Posted: 2024-08-28 |
Posted: 2024-08-17 |
Dear Student,
Please read the attached pdf file explainning the changes in effect for the Student Access area of our website before using it for the first time since the changes occurred. Thank you.
NCFS Website Update Notification 08-17-2024 |
Posted: 2024-08-14 |
FEMA Student ID Required Date Moved To 8-18-24 |
As of Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024, ALL STUDENTS will be required to obtain use their "FEMA Student ID Number" in order to access the website including the ability to register for classes or to access their student records.
We apologize for moving the date back from Aug. 15, 2024.
Thank you for your understanding.
NCFS Web Development Team
Posted: 2024-05-21 |
Test 1 |
This is a test of the announcement page. |
Posted: 2024-02-08 |
Important - Website Intrusion Problems |
Dear Users, In the past few weeks our website has been randomly hit by mailiciious hackers origin unknown. To this effect, our data HAS NOT been compromised. Simply put, these are called "Point of Service Attacks " in which outside sources use computers and bombard our Home Page repeatedly which eventually overloads the server with requests and the server stops all website access. Rest assured that these are random attacks and we are not the only ones who experience it. It has happened to us before, as we are not classified as a prime target, it will end soon. In the meantime, we are working on this problem with our hosting company. Please bear with us. Thank you. Northampton County Fire School Website Administrator |
Posted: 2023-12-05 |
2024 IFSTA Essential Course Syllabuses Available |
The 2024 Essential Course Syllabuses For both Spring and Fall classes are now available for download. Go to the "GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION" item located on the left hand menu of this website for more information and download links. |
Posted: 2023-11-20 |
2023-2024 Officers and Staff Contact |
The new listing of officers and specific staff is now available by clicking on "Contact Us" located in the left side menu. |
Posted: 2023-08-25 |
ProBoard Exams Cancelled - Severe Flood Damage |
The officers and personnel of the Northampton County Fire School made a decision on Wednesday August 23rd at the monthly business meeting to cancel the upcoming fall 2023 ProBoard Exams due to the severe flood damage from July 15th 2023 and the current health and safety issues it is still causing. As always, the health and safety of out students, faculty, and staff members are our primary concern. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused for you. |
Posted: 2022-09-15 |
Student Portal 4.0 Is Now Active |
The new "Student Portal 4.0" is now up and running. Remember, you will need a registered FEMA Student Identification Number in order to use the portal.
If you need one, use the link below to the "FEMA Student ID Program" to obtain one. There you can also retrieve it if you forgot it.
Please note that all parts of this portal contain directions and information to help you. |
Posted: 2022-09-12 |
FEMA Student ID Required For New Student Portal 4 |
The Northampton County Fire School is pleased to announce the launching of its new "Student Portal 4.0" by the end of this week. An easier to use Student Registration System along with new security protocols tops the improvements. In an ongoing effort to protect our student's privacy against identify theft, all students accessing the "Student Portal 4.0" will be required to use their FEMA Student Identification Number as their unique identifier. This eliminates the need of sensitive identifiers such as a full Social Security Number.
All instructions needed for students to implement the use of FEMA Student Id are posted on the "Student Portal Important Information" Introduction Page.
If you have not obtained your FEMA Student ID, you can do so by clicking on the link located either at the bottom of the "Student Portal Important Information" Introduction Page or at the bottom of the NCFS Home Page.
If you need further assistance, please contact either Laurie Bush, Northampton Community College Office of Corporate & Public Safety by phone at (610)332-6434 or by email at lbush@northampton.edu, or you can contact the Northampton County Fire School Website Administrator directly by email at webadmin@ncfireschool.org. When emailing be sure to include your name, current email and telephone number along with the reason you are contacting us. We will be happy to assist you. Thank you. |